BEST Increases Bus Pass Price From March 1, Student Benefits Remain Unchanged

The civic-run Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) undertaking has changed its bus pass tariffs from March 1, announced the BEST undertaking on Thursday. The daily and monthly unlimited ride passes will be updated to INR 60 and INR 900, respectively, up from the current INR 50 and INR 750, according to an announcement from the city’s principal road transport company.
“The bus pass rates have been increased to overcome the problem of loose change, avoid the insecurity of daily currency handling, facilitate passengers to avail the undertaking’s scheme and generate more income,” a company spokesperson said.
The release mentioned, “No change has been made in the rate, validity and unlimited number of journeys of student passes that cost INR 200, and the INR 50 concession in various bus passes for senior citizens, excluding weekly passengers, has also not been changed.”
The announcement stated that in this edition, the varieties of bus passes were reduced from 42 to 18, with other sorts of passes being discontinued. Starting March 1, just three types of bus passes will be available: weekly, monthly, and unlimited, replacing the current daily, weekly, monthly, fully flexible plans pass, and unlimited journeys pass.
According to the statement, the present single day passes, which are good for two, four, and ten journeys, and completely flexible plan permits, which are valid for ten, thirty, and fifty journeys over an 84-day period, will be terminated.
According to the amended plans, the BEST initiative has maintained the bus pass value at INR 6, INR 13, INR 19, and INR 25 for daily, weekly, and unlimited journey passes.
According to the increased tariffs, the lowest value of a weekly bus pass valid for seven days and 15 rides will be INR 70, up from INR 59, and the highest value will be INR 350, up from INR 299 previously.
The current bus pass plans had a minimum value of INR 9 for a single-day pass good for one day or two journeys, and a maximum value of INR 1499 valid for 28 days or 150 rides.
The release issued by the transport agency added that as per the revised bus pass plans, the minimum pass value will be Rs 60 for an unlimited number of journeys in one day, and the maximum pass value will be Rs 2700 for 28 days or 150 journeys.