Class 10 Exams Begin in Maharashtra with Record Enrollment

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The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) exams for Class 10 have commenced today and will continue until March 26. A remarkable total of 16,09,445 students have registered for this year’s exams, marking an increase of 32,189 students compared to last year.
The surge in student numbers is attributed to the Right To Education Act (RTE), which ensures free education up to Class 8 for students admitted to private schools by the state government. Afterward, these students transition to State Board Schools for Class 9 onwards.
This year’s registration figures show a significant rise, with 16,09,445 students compared to last year’s 15,77,256. Consequently, security measures have been bolstered to accommodate the increased enrollment.
Sharad Govind, President of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Education (MSBSHSE), announced the introduction of helpline numbers (020-25705271 and 020-25705272) for students requiring assistance during the exams.
Furthermore, to ensure exam integrity, Assistant Supervisors will oversee testing centers, with GPS tracking of answer sheets for confidentiality. Additionally, district flying squads and the State Board Bahari team have been deployed to maintain examination standards.