Meet Chillikomban: Kerala Tusker with a Sweet Tooth for Mangoes!

Meet Chillikomban: Kerala Tusker with a Sweet Tooth for Mangoes!
Videos that evoke strong emotions such as those of joy, awe and surprise have a special ability to resonate with viewers.
7th June 2024
Videos with an emotional appeal tend to take on social media by a storm. Videos that evoke strong emotions such as those of joy, awe and surprise have a special ability to resonate with viewers. Content with funny and adorable antics of animals are one set that bring a smile to our faces. In the vast pool of online content, such videos build an emotional connection and drive engagement. One such video of Chillikomban and its love for mangoes is making rounds on social media.
Despite being the largest living land animals, elephants possess a remarkably tender side. Residing within the lush forests of Nelliyampathy in Palakkad, Kerala, there’s an elephant known as Chillikomban who roams along the fringes of the forest without causing any disturbance to nearby communities. Rather than causing trouble, Chillikomban takes pleasure in indulging in mangoes and delectable jackfruits.
A recent viral video circulating on Instagram, shared by @airnewsalerts, captures the delightful scene of Chillikomban, the beloved elephant from Nelliyampathy, Palakkad, shaking a mango tree to relish its ripe fruit. With each gentle shake, mangoes cascade to the ground, eagerly awaited by Chillikomban for his favourite indulgence.
The caption of the post read, “#Kerala: In #Nelliampathi, #Palakkad, a wild elephant that has reached the residential area shakes the mango tree and drops mangoes. Known as Chillikomban, this #elephant now regularly comes to the inhabited area to eat mangoes and jackfruit.” The video has gained over 40 thousand views.
According to an Asianet report, elephants that venture into rural areas are often given dual names, typically based on their favourite foods. For instance, there’s the wild tusker Arikomban, known to roam the Chinnakanal and Periya Canal region. Similarly, another elephant named Chakkakompan earned his moniker due to his fondness for jackfruit. However, the origin of the name Chillikompan remains unclear, as per the report.