Mumbaikarcha Ukhana Viral: “Like To Sit On Dadar Chowpatty And…” Says Lady As She Announces Her Good News

Ukhana is a cultural tradition of the Maharashtrian people. Many videos of Ukhana go viral immediately. One such video of a lady announcing her good news with Ukhana has gone viral on social media.
Ukhana is a significant component of Maharashtra’s culture. Any auspicious work or marriage is honoured with affection. Women take the Dohaljaevan (baby shower), Karwali, and Haldi Kunkuva programs seriously. In this video, a woman makes a lovely gesture during her baby shower ceremony. This story reveals that this lady loves the sea. If you enjoy the sea, this video is for you.
She says, while sitting on Dadar Chowpatty, I like to watch the waves of the sea, I am waiting with all my heart for the small version of Gaurav Rao. This will remind some people about Mumbai and others will be recollecting their memories of Dadar Chowpatty after hearing this wonderful anecdote. Sea lovers will definitely love this Ukhana.
This video was shared from the Instagram account ukhane_by_neha_.