AI Has Potential To Translate Content Into Several Languages, English Need Not To Be Internet’s Primary Language: Google’s Sanjay Gupta

Google’s Sanjay Gupta
According to Google India Head Sanjay Gupta, there is a lot of promise with AI’s explosion for a country like India since it may be the spark that transforms an advantage into a real cutting-edge business for entrepreneurs. During the first-ever ‘Mumbai Tech Week,’ Google India Vice President and Country Head Sanjay Gupta stated that the country’s renewed aspirations in the social and political spheres “provides just the right temperature for India to embrace this technology and create examples for the world.”
“As Google, it’s a future that we’re committed to building together with India,” Sanjay Gupta said at the event.
There is a huge surge of imagination in Generative AI.
“But its tremendous capabilities are far greater than what the popular discourse has been about. AI, today, has the potential to translate content into hundreds of languages in a short time. English need no longer be the internet’s primary language,” stated Sanjay Gupta.
It overcomes the literacy barrier by converting text to video in a matter of seconds.
The most significant aspect, in Gupta’s opinion, is that these opportunities will be open to both major, asset-heavy companies and single-room startups with just two laptops and a little bit of ambition as initial funding.
According to him, the conversation surrounding Indian startups is rapidly shifting from valuations to the development of long-term value. Global case studies for the creativity with which they made tech work for the user, rather than forcing the user to work with the tech, he said of digital public infrastructure such as UPI and CoWin.