First Coastal Road Tunnel Accident: Black Toyota Crashes into Tunnel Wall, No Casualties Reported

First Coastal Road Tunnel Incident: Black Toyota Crashes into Tunnel Wall, No Casualties Reported
A Black Toyota Collides with Tunnel Wall near Cross Passage-05: Quick Response Prevents Traffic Congestion
In a recent incident captured by live cameras at Priyadarshani Park Control room, a black Toyota vehicle collided with the corner wall near Cross Passage-05. The incident occurred around 12:42 pm, with the vehicle coming to a halt shortly after.
Emergency services swiftly responded to the scene after a call was placed from the nearest Emergency Call Box (ECB) at 12:43 pm. The Operator at the Local Operation Maintenance Room (LOMR) immediately checked the CCTV footage and alerted the relevant department.
A rescue team, accompanied by marshals, quickly assembled at the site and promptly notified a towing van at 12:46 pm. By 12:54 pm, the Towing Van had arrived, with marshals efficiently managing traffic and clearing two lanes for vehicle movement to avoid congestion within the tunnel.
According to the driver, the accident was attributed to a loose steering wheel, but fortunately, both the driver and a rear-seat passenger emerged unscathed.
The vehicle was estimated to be traveling at approximately 60 km/h at the time of the incident. The heavily damaged car was retrieved from the tunnel by the Towing vehicle at 01:29 pm. Subsequently, full operational traffic resumed by 1:30 pm following the clearance of oil spillage resulting from the accident.