Watch Video: Turns Out, Ash Gourd Juice Is Not a Superfood

Watch Video: Turns Out, Ash Gourd Juice Is Not a Superfood

Watch Video: Turns Out, Ash Gourd Juice Is Not a Superfood

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Is ash gourd juice the miracle cure for weight loss and detoxification? Experts believe that there are better options. 

In recent years, the wellness industry has been inundated with claims touting the miraculous benefits of various superfoods, with ash gourd juice emerging as one of the latest contenders. 

Promoted as a solution for several issues, it is said that this juice can primarily lead to weight loss and help rejuvenate the skin. Many creators online have painted a picture of ash gourd juice as a miracle elixir.

However, amidst the hype and fervor, it’s crucial to take a closer look at the scientific evidence behind these claims. According to author Krish Ashok, “Ash gourd juice has been touted as the solution to every problem on the planet. Just one tiny problem — there is zero evidence that it does those things.” In his latest Instagram post, he debunks several popular claims about the benefits of drinking ash gourd juice. 

Ash gourd (Benincasa hispida), also known as winter melon, is rich in water content, making it low in calories. It provides a modest amount of vitamin C, some B vitamins, and minerals like iron, magnesium, and potassium. However, when compared to consuming ash gourd as a whole food, the juice lacks dietary fiber, which is beneficial for digestive health and maintaining a feeling of fullness. 

Nutritionist comments that consuming the whole fruit provides dietary fiber, which is almost entirely lost in juicing. Fiber aids in digestion, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and supports satiety, which are largely reduced when the fruit is consumed as juice.

Impact of Juicing on Nutritional Value

As mentioned previously, the process of juicing removes most of the fiber from ash gourd. “While the juice may still contain vitamins and minerals, the absence of fiber means it does not support digestive health as effectively as the whole fruit.” The concept of ‘detoxification’ by foods or juices is widely debated and not strongly supported by scientific evidence. 

The human body naturally detoxifies through the liver, kidneys, and lungs. “While ash gourd juice is hydrating and can support overall health, its specific detoxifying effects lack scientific backing.”

Potential Risks or Considerations

Agreeing with Ashok’s concerns, Nutritionist notes that ash gourd indeed contains oxalates, which in excessive amounts can contribute to kidney stone formation, particularly in individuals susceptible to oxalate-related issues. “The impact on kidney health is crucial, especially for those with a history of renal disorders,” she adds.

Ash gourd juice is low in calories, which can help maintain a calorie deficit when included as part of a balanced diet. “However, the claim that it directly aids in weight loss is not strongly supported by evidence,” she stresses. The weight loss benefits are more likely due to its low energy density rather than any specific metabolic enhancement.

In terms of health precautions, she advises individuals with known oxalate restrictions or kidney problems to consume ash gourd juice cautiously and consider consulting with a healthcare provider before adding it to their diet regularly.