Coastal Road Project Reaches New Milestone with Expanded Connectivity and Upcoming Recreational Spaces

Coastal Road Project Reaches New Milestone with Expanded Connectivity and Upcoming Recreational Spaces

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On Republic Day, the Coastal Road project will achieve a significant milestone with the opening of its second connector arm linking to the Bandra-Worli Sea Link. Additionally, three new interchange arms at Worli will become operational the same day, increasing the total to four. These interchanges will connect Bindu Madhav Thackeray Chowk to Bandra and facilitate the northbound Coastal Road carriageway’s connection to Prabhadevi.

By late February, the construction of the walkway and public underpasses is expected to be completed, providing much-needed recreational spaces for the community. Currently, the southbound lane from Worli to Marine Drive and the northbound lane from Marine Drive to Worli, which also connects to the Sea Link via the southbound route, are in use. The primary sections of the Coastal Road have been launched in stages: the southbound stretch from Worli to Marine Drive opened in March 2024, followed by the northbound stretch to Haji Ali in June.

In July, the segment from Haji Ali to Worli became operational, and by September, the first connector arm linking the Coastal Road to the Sea Link was inaugurated. However, several critical components of the project remain under construction. These include five interchange arms at Worli, two at Haji Ali, and multiple parking facilities. Parking structures, including one each at Breach Candy and Haji Ali and two at Worli, are projected to be ready by 2026. The development of 70 hectares of open space on reclaimed land has yet to commence, with no definitive start date announced.

Operational challenges persist due to incomplete infrastructure. The Coastal Road’s northbound and southbound lanes are currently accessible to the public from 7 AM to midnight. Full 24/7 operation seems unlikely in the near future. An official remarked, “Meeting deadlines has been challenging due to various factors. Still, every new section that opens brings us closer to transforming the western shoreline into a modern, access-controlled highway, ensuring a smoother travel experience.”

Initially estimated to cost approximately ₹14,000 crore, the Coastal Road project commenced in 2018 and was originally slated for completion by 2022. However, delays caused by legal disputes, Covid-19 lockdowns, and design modifications have pushed the completion deadline to 2026. Work continues steadily, aiming to meet the revised schedule.